Spray2Grow - Spider Mite Protection Spray Concentrate


Sale price£39.99

Spray2Grow - Spider Mite Protection Spray Concentrate

Spider Mite Protection Spray Concentrate is an all-natural treatment to combat spider mites. A blend of various plant extracts like garlic extract (that spider mites detest) keeps them away while simultaneously helping your plants to recover from the damage that they cause. When diluted and used as a foliar spray, your plants will be greener, healthier and spider mite free.

How Spray & Grow Spider Mite Protection Spray Concentrate Works

If you consume the fruits of your labour, you probably don't want to use toxic pesticides on your plants. Spray & Grow contains no toxic pesticides. Fortunately, spider mites can't stand certain plant products such as garlic extract. Spray & Grow Spider Mite Protection contains a proprietary blend of these natural extracts. Spider mites hate it and has them scurrying away! Use Spray & Grow to prevent and rid infestations without the use of nasty chemicals. On top of that, Spray and Grow Spider Mite Protection contains a mild nutrient that helps plants to recover more quickly, keeping them healthy, green and pest free.

To see our full Spider Mite Control range, click here


  • Offers a highly effective, non-chemical and non-biological method of spider mite control
  • Contains only natural plant derived compounds such as garlic extract
  • Especially repels spider mites
  • Helps plants to recover from spider mite damage
  • Concentrated - one 500ml bottle makes 10 litres of foliar spray
  • Helps make plants greener, healthier, and pest free


Spider mites are minuscule arachnids that pose a significant threat to your plants by feeding on their sap, leading to yellowing leaves, webbing, and a general decline in plant health. These pests are notorious for causing stippling, discoloration, and even leaf drop, which can severely impact plant growth and yield. Spider mites thrive in hot, dry conditions and can reproduce rapidly, making early detection and treatment essential.

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