CX Horticulture - Spotless


Size: 20ml
Sale price£9.99

Spotless - Concentrate

Spotless is used as a foliar spray to effectively clean your plants and combat certain causes of leaf spots. Spotless is a natural product and will not damage, stall or suffocate your plants. Please give us a call for more information regarding this product and the types of plant problem that can help deal with.

How Spotless Works:

Spotless is made of natural substances that combat and eradicate certain causes of leaf spotting and cleans your plant of dust, residues and other contaminants. Spotless is used diluted as a foliar spray making it great value-for-money. Please call our shop for advice regarding this product and the type of cause of leaf spotting that it can deal with.


Spotless Contains:

Spotless (Concentrated) comes in 3 sizes: 20ml, 100ml, and 500ml


  • Spotless helps rid your plant of the causes of leaf spotting
  • Keeps your plants clean and healthy.
  • Fast acting and effective
  • Concentrated – use diluted as a foliar spray
  • Call us for more information about this product

How To Use

Using Spotless:

Spotless can be used on plants grown in any substrate and in any kind of grow-system. Spotless should not be used on seedlings or unrooted cuttings, only on established plants up to 2 weeks before harvest which are actually experiencing a leaf-spotting problem or require cleaning.

Always shake the bottle well before use. Add Spotless to water at a rate of 20ml/litre and mix well. Use a spray-gun to apply this product. Spray the plant from top to bottom ensuring that every leaf is treated on the top and the bottom, ensuring even coverage. Repeat the treatment 3 days later and a third treatment one week later to ensure the problem is eradicated.

As with all foliar sprays, only spray your plants during low-light conditions, ideally when your grow-lamp has just gone out at the beginning of the dark-period. This stops the problem of leaf-burn due to intense light hitting wet leaves. Always make sure that no spray comes into contact with your grow-lamp.

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