Shogun Fertilisers - Samurai Hydro Bloom Nutrient A&B - For Hard Water


Size: 1 Litre
Sale price£15.95

Shogun Fertilisers - Samurai Hydro Bloom Nutrient A&B - For Hard Water

Shogun Fertilisers Samurai Hydro Nutrient looks set to be the world-beating hydroponics nutrient from the geniuses at Shogun Nutrients. This particular version is for the flowering stage and for use in hard water areas. This 2-part feed contains a very special ingredient that no other manufacturer uses. This has been tested and shown to increase yields by a whopping 6-8% over standard NPK formulas. Don't compromise your crop - use Samurai Hydro for all your grows in hydroponics!

How Shogun Samurai Hydro Bloom Nutrient Works

Building on the success of their awesome range of additives and boosters, Shogun have done it again with their new range of base nutrients. This particular one is for growing in hydro, and it contains an exclusive additive that sets it totally apart from the rest of the hydroponic base nutrients on the market, making it totally unique.

As you might expect, the main ingredients are all of the highest quality, supplying all the Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium that the plant needs, along with all the micro-nutrients that they require too.

However, Shogun Samurai hydro nutrient also contains the exclusive additive - SmartZen.

SmartZen is a blend of sterols, lignans, tannin, lipids and hydrocarbons. Together, they give a huge increase in photosynthesis and lower any heat stress. These ingredients are not found in any other base nutrient, yet they have been shown to increase yields by 6-8%

Instead of just bringing out yet another standard nutrient or copying someone else's formula, Shogun went right back to the drawing board and started again from scratch. The result? - The best hydro base nutrient that money can buy, bar none!



Your choice of size of Samurai Hydro Bloom Nutrient For Hard Water Part A&B (choose your size above)


  • Shogun – world-beating nutrients with world-beating price tags
  • Developed by a leading biochemist
  • Concentrated, cost effective formula
  • Contains the new exclusive yield-booster - SmartZen
  • SmartZen hugely increases photosynthesis and lowers heat stress
  • Proved to increase yields by 6-8% over other nutrients
  • Designed for use in hard water areas
  • For use in flowering / fruiting stage
  • This top quality hydroponics nutrient is now the one to beat!

How To Use

How to Use Shogun Samurai Hydro Bloom Nutrient A&B For Hard Water

Shogun Samurai Hydro Bloom Nutrient is designed for plants grown in hydroponics. It is designed to be used only in the flowering (fruiting) stage of growth and for use in hard water areas. There is a different version of this nutrient available for the vegetative stage or in soft water areas.

Fill your hydroponic system reservoir container with water and add equal amounts of Samurai Hydro Nutrient Part A and Samurai Hydro Nutrient Part B to the tank to achieve the required strength and mix well. Shogun Fertilisers recommend a dosage of 1 to 3 ml/Litre of both part A and part B. We recommend using a syringe or beaker for accurate measurement of this product and a CF/EC/PPM meter such as the Bluelab Truncheon to check the TDS. Adjust as necessary.

Next, add any additives and boosters you wish to use and again mix well. We recommend Shogun's own range of superb boosters with this feed. Adjust the pH of the solution to the required level using pH up or down as necessary. We suggest an optimum pH of 5.8 for best results. We recommend the use of a pH meter such as the Horticare pH meter to help accurately set the pH to the required level. It is recommended you renew the nutrient solution in your reservoir every 7 days.

Both parts of a 2-part nutrient are designed to be used together in equal amounts. Using only part A or part B, or using them in unequal amounts will result in a nutrient solution which is not properly balanced. This will almost certainly lead to your plants suffering from deficiencies.

As with all nutrients, boosters and additives, never mix them together in their concentrated form (i.e. straight out of the bottle). Always add each nutrient, booster or additive to your reservoir or feed water in turn, giving the solution a good stir to mix it in before adding the next one.

Manufacturer's recommended dosage rates are only for vigorously growing plants that are in the peak of health. Slower growing plants and those that are not 100% healthy will require a lower dosage rate. Learn more about how to control nutrient strength and pH levels in hydroponics in our blog guides: Control of Nutrient Strength Levels in Hydroponics and pH Control in Hydroponics

Shogun Fertilisers Samurai Hydro Bloom Nutrient For Hard Water recommended dosage: 1 - 3ml/Litre of both Parts A & B to achieve the required strength according to your feeding schedule.

Shogun Fertilisers Samurai Hydro Bloom Nutrient For Hard Water A&B combined NPK: 4.1 - 3.5 - 6

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