CarboAir Pre-Filter Bands


Size: Medium
Sale price£3.99

Maximise the effectiveness of your pre-filter for a more efficient extraction system

Fit one of these bands to each end of your carbon filter and you'll ensure that air is drawn through your fabric pre-filter, and not under it. By doing this, your pre-filter can remove the dust from the air before it passes through the carbon, keeping the filter running at maximum airflow levels. Greater airflow gives you better temperature and humidity control, and more efficient replacement of CO2. This is a low-cost product that can make a positive impact on your grow room or grow tent.

How Pre-Filter Bands Work

These UK made pre-filter bands are used to stop air from seeping through the top of your pre-filter. This enables the pre-filter to do its job as intended, removing dust from the air. If this dust is allowed to enter your filter, it will slowly clog it up, reducing airflow levels. Pre-filter bands keep your extraction system running sweetly, for better temperature and humidity regulation, and a faster replacement of carbon dioxide. As such, this is a low cost item that can have a measurable impact on photosynthesis. It may seem like a trivial area of your grow room, but it is certainly one which it would be unwise to ignore. 

The bands are made of latex-free material that can withstand temperatures of up to 200 degrees.

To see our full CarboAir Carbon Filters range, click here



Pack of two CarboAir Pre-Filters. Available in four sizes: small, medium, large and extra large (see below for information on how these sizes match up to your filter).


  • Directs 100% of the air through the pre-filter, where its needed most!
  • Stops dust from clogging up your filter, reducing its effectiveness
  • Matched to the size of your carbon filter
  • Maintains peak airflow levels through your extraction system
  • Better airflow equals better temp & humidy control, and faster CO2 replacement
  • Latex free material
  • UV and Ozone protected for extended use

How To Use

How to Use Pre-Filter Bands

All you need to do is place one of these bands on each end of your filter, so that it seals the pre-filter down. You'll need to make sure that you order the correct size, so we've included the information below.

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