Aquaking High Pressure Sump Pumps


Pump: Aquaking Q50011
Sale price£92.99

Aquaking High Pressure Sump Pumps

The Aquaking range of heavy-duty sump pumps will move over 3600 litres of water per hour through an outlet adapter that can easily be connected to various sizes of piping, making it the perfect option for those looking to move substantial volumes of nutrient solution in large systems.

How the Aquaking Sump Pump Works

The robust Aquaking Sump Pump can be submerged up to a depth of 7 metres and draws liquid in through its underside and drives it out through an outlet point with an external diameter of 45mm. An adapter fits onto this outlet point which reduces the outlet to fit 25mm pipe.

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1 x Aquaking High Pressure Sump Pump of your choice (choose your pump above)


  • Moves vast amounts of liquid with ease
  • Fully submersible
  • Consistent flow and excellent reliability
  • Highly robust with an excellent build quality
  • Various outlet sizes for easy connection
  • Comes in four sizes

How To Use

How to Use Aquaking Sump Pumps

Set-up of the Aquaking Sump Pump is relatively straightforward. The pump draws in any liquid that it is submerged in through its underside, driving it through its outlet point. The outlet has a barbed fitting that connects to 25mm pipe.

When fitting pipe, dip the end in a jug of half boiled water before pushing it on to make the job easier.

Please note: Do not run the Aquaking Sump Pumps dry or you could risk burning out the motor. All Aquaking pumps comes supplied with a Euro 2 pin plug.

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