In this video, we talk you through the process of germinating seeds from scratch.
There are a few different approaches, but we’re going to demonstrate the paper towel method because it’s one of the most popular techniques.
Create a bed using layers of paper towel and arrange your seeds on top, leaving a bit of space between each one.
If they’re too close, the shoots can get tangled. You want to handle them as little as possible, so untangling them can be dangerous.
Give them a gentle misting with plain water and cover them up. There’s no need to saturate them completely. The plastic container will stop the towel from drying out.
Check them periodically, and once they’ve popped, you can transfer them to Eazy Plugs with the shoot facing down.
Eazy Plugs are great because they retain just the right level of water. Give them a good soaking and a little squeeze, and they’re good to go.
Keep the vents closed on your propagator at this stage because your plants will benefit from high humidity levels.
At this stage you can open up the vents, and eventually take the lid off.
Notice that we've transplanted the Eazy Plugs into 3" Eazy Blocks, which give the roots space to grow. They provide lots of aeration and speed up growth through the root pruning effect.